Mixing elements of social justice, horror and sci fi, Level 16 is a genre movie that delivers both intellectually and emotionally.

Richard Crouse, CTV

Danishka Esterhazy has absolutely established herself as a force in Canadian cinema.

Jeff Schmidt, Nightmarish Conjurings

Level 16’s brilliant narrative strategy makes for an enthralling viewing experience.

Chris Knight, National Post

[Level 16 is] one of Fantastic Fest’s best films … Don’t sleep on this one!  

Amelia Emberwing, Birth.Movies.Death

One of my favorite films of Fantastic Fest 2018: Danishka Esterhazy’s LEVEL 16!

Veronica Rampant, Ain’t It Cool

Level 16 channels The Handmaid’s Tale in the best possible ways, which is pretty damn scary.

Germain Lussier, io9